DARPAConnect Learning

Connect Corner One-on-One Meetings

Discuss the potential alignment of your expertise and research interests with DARPA’s mission. Book an individual session with a DARPAConnect team member to discuss your ideas and receive feedback and guidance on next steps. These 30-minute sessions are available on a first-come, first serve basis. In order to reserve your session, please complete the request form in its entirety.

Not a member of DARPAConnect? Visit the DARPAConnect Registration page to sign up for a free account and gain access to the full suite of DARPAConnect lessons, Connect Corner events, and more.

NOTE: These sessions are in high demand. If you are not able to attend your session, please let us know as soon as possible. 



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Schedule a One-on-One Meeting
Select the "Schedule a One-on-One" button to begin.
Select the "Schedule a One-on-One" button to begin. Discuss the potential alignment of your expertise and research interests with DARPA’s mission. Book an individual session with a DARPAConnect team member to discuss your ideas and receive feedback and guidance on next steps. Click on "Schedule a One-on-One" to view the available meeting times and book a session. NOTE: These sessions are in high demand. If you are not able to attend your session, please let us know as soon as possible. Due to these sessions being in high demand, please only schedule one session at a time.